River Brent bank enhancement

19th November 2015

Bittern's Field, Hanwell


See information from Thames 21, below. Let’s have some more BRCS members coming to these useful and enjoyable working parties!

Join Thames21 and Ealing’s park rangers to improve the appearance and ecology of the River Brent.
This unique project will continue through Autumn to Spring 2016 transforming sections of the river with in-stream structures and riverside paths to add variety to the flow and make it more accessible and attractive for wildlife and people alike.Join us, gain new skills, make a difference, and learn more about rivers and riverside habitats.

All Equipment and Tea! will be provided.

Meet us at Bittern’s Field, High Lane, Hanwell, W7 – just across the river from the Greenford Depot. Travel to to the north end of High Lane (near the junction with Mayfield Gardens). Walk through the park gate, up the slope to the left and continue along the path for 100m keeping the allotments on your left. We will be by the sign at the top of the steps leading down to the river.
Drop in and out as you please. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.
This event is part of our Waterways Improvements and Restoration Project and has been supported by Thames Water, GSK, the Environment Agency and the Brent Catchment Partnership.

Please RSVP Francesca.campagnoli@thames21.org.uk especially if you’re new to the project.